Privacy Policy

Formed Technologies INT FZCO (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) has created this Privacy Notice to communicate our data collection and processing practices to you. By utilizing our Services, it is understood that you agree with our policies and procedures regarding personal information. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this, please reach out to us at [email protected]. If you do not agree with our policies, we kindly ask that you refrain from using our Services.

What Information Do We Collect?

Personal information is gathered from you through voluntary means when you register on our Services, express interest in learning more about us or our products/services, participate in activities on the Services, or contact us.

The personal information we collect is derived from your interactions with us and our Services, the choices you make, as well as the features and products you utilize. This may include:

• Names

• Phone numbers

• Email addresses

• Physical address

• Billing addresses

The Company does not collect sensitive information, including social security numbers and other information that is unnecessary to the operations of the Company.

In regards to payment processing, we may require the data necessary to complete the transaction, such as the payment instrument number and security code linked to your payment method. This information will be managed securely by our payment processors. Please review the privacy notices available on their websites.

All of the personal information you furnish us must be accurate, full, and current. Should there be any modifications to your personal information, you must notify us.

During your use, navigation, or visit to our Services, a variety of information is automatically gathered by us. While this data does not directly reveal your identity (i.e. name or contact information), it may include details such as IP address, browser and device specifications, operating system, language preferences, source URLs, device name, country, location, usage information for our Services, and other technical details. This information is primarily used for the security and operational maintenance of our Services and internal analysis and reporting.

Similar to other businesses, we also gather information through the utilization of cookies and analogous technologies. We Collect Information: Logs and Usage Data: This is about information associated with service, diagnostics, usage, and performance, which our servers automatically record when you access or make use of our Services. This data is stored in log files and may include details like your IP address, device information, browser type and settings, and information about your activities within the Services (such as timestamps of utilization, pages/files viewed, searches initiated, and other actions such as feature usage), and device event information (such as system activity, error reports, and hardware configurations), depending on your interaction with us.

We process your information for several purposes depending upon your interaction with our Services. This may include: facilitating account creation and authentication and identifying fraudulent activity. Furthermore, we may use your information to seek feedback and communicate with you regarding the usage of our Services. Processing of your information may also be necessary to protect

someone’s vital interests, such as preventing harm.

We process your personal data only when it is necessary and we have a valid legal basis to do so. These legal bases include your consent, our compliance with applicable laws, providing services, fulfilling contracts, protecting your rights, and serving our legitimate business interests, which are set out in our Terms & Conditions. Additionally, we also process your data in order to protect the Company against fraud.

This section applies to Users located in the European Union or the United Kingdom. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the United Kingdom Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) necessitate that we state the legal grounds for processing your personal data. Therefore, we process your information based on the following legal grounds:

 Consent: We are legally entitled to process your information if you have granted us your explicit consent to employ your personal data for a specific purpose. You can revoke your consent at any time. To do this, please contact us through the contact form or email us at [email protected].

Legitimate Interest: We may use your information if it is necessary for our legitimate business interests, provided that these interests do not outweigh your interests or basic rights and freedoms, including those outlined in our Terms & Conditions and to safeguard the Company against fraud.

Legal Obligation: We may process your information to fulfill our legal obligations, such as cooperating with law enforcement or regulatory bodies, defending our legal rights, or using your information as evidence in pertinent legal proceedings. Additionally, we may process your information if it is essential to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of others, e.g. in emergencies where safety is at stake.

If you are located in Canada, this section applies to you. We are only able to process your information with your expressed consent for a particular purpose or once the implied consent has been given. However, you have the prerogative to revoke this consent at any given moment. In extraordinary cases, where the law permits, we may process your information without your consent, including:

• it is in an individual’s best interests and consent cannot be obtained promptly,

• it is necessary for fraud investigation and prevention,

• it is required for commercial transactions under certain conditions,

• it is contained in a witness statement for insurance claim evaluation and settlement,

• it is needed to identify injured, ill, or deceased people and communicate with next of kin, there are reasonable grounds to believe an individual has been or may be a victim of financial abuse, collection and use with consent would jeopardize information availability or accuracy and collection is necessary for breach of an agreement or violation investigation, disclosure is required by law, such as a subpoena or court order, it was created in the course of employment, business, or profession and consistent with the information’s original purpose, its sole purpose is for journalism, art, or literature, it is publicly available and required by law. When And With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Information Your personal information may be shared in the following cases: Business Transfers: During negotiations or completion of a merger, sale of assets, financing, or acquisition of our company or a part of it, your information may be shared or transferred to another company. Working with Vendors: To provide the Services, the Company works with various third parties. The Company may share your personal information to the extent it ensures adherence to the Company’s Terms & Conditions and to otherwise protect against fraud or manipulation involving the Company or third parties. Do We Use Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies? The use of cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels) may allow access or storage of information. Our Cookie Notice provides detailed information on our usage of these technologies and offers options to decline certain cookies.

 We also utilize various tracking methods such as Google AdWords, Meta Advertising, and Google Analytics to gather and store data on user interactions with our websites.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as is deemed necessary or legally allowed, including for taxation, accounting, or other legal reasons. Upon the cessation of our business activities, we will either delete or anonymize your personal information. If deletion is not practical, we will securely store it and restrict its access until it can be deleted.

How Do We Keep Your Information Safe?

We have implemented necessary and reasonable technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal information in our possession. However, despite our efforts, the Internet and data storage technology are not foolproof, so we cannot guarantee that your information will remain secure from unauthorized access, theft, or alteration by third parties.

While we strive to protect your personal information, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the information you transmit through our Services. Use caution when using the Services and only in a secure environment.

Do We Collect Information from Minors?

We take measures to ensure that we do not deliberately gather information from or target individuals under the age of 18. By using our services, you certify that you are aged 18 or over, or that you are the parent/guardian of a minor utilizing our services with your authorization.


 In case we discover any personal information from minors, we will promptly disable their account and erase the data from our records. If you become aware of any information collected from minors, please contact us at [email protected].

What Are Your Privacy Rights?

In regions with applicable data protection laws (e.g. European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Canada), individuals have certain rights, including:

(i) Requesting access and a copy of your personal information.

(ii) Requesting correction or deletion.

(iii) Limiting the processing of your personal information and data portability (if applicable).

(iv) Objecting to the processing of your personal information under certain circumstances.

If you desire to make a such a request, kindly contact us. In the event that you live in the European Economic Area or the UK and feel that your personal information is being improperly handled, you may file a complaint with your regional data protection authority. Please find their contact details at:

If you are located in Switzerland, information regarding the data protection authorities can be found at: With regards to withdrawing your Consent: If your personal information is being processed based on consent given either expressly or impliedly under applicable laws, you have the right to revoke it at any time.

To opt out of receiving our marketing and promotional emails, please click on the unsubscribe link present in our correspondence. You will then be removed from our mailing lists. However, please note that we may still send you non-marketing communications such as service-related updates, account administration, responding to service requests, etc.

To review or modify your account details, or to close your account, please follow these steps: Log in to your account settings and update your user account. In addition, you may contact us using the information provided.

Note: Upon request, we will deactivate or delete your account and related information from our active databases. However, some data may be retained in our records for the purpose of fraud prevention, problem resolution, investigations, enforcement of our legal terms, and compliance with applicable legal requirements.

Cookies and similar technologies: Web browsers are typically configured to accept cookies as a standard setting. You have the option of removing or declining cookies, although this may impede certain functions or services of our Services. To prohibit interest- based ads from advertisers on our Services, please visit

For privacy-related questions or comments, email us at [email protected]. Controls For Do-Not-Track Features Many web browsers, mobile OS, and apps have a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature to signal your preference for not having your online browsing activities monitored and collected. However, as there is no agreed technology standard for DNT, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that communicates your preference not to be tracked. If a future standard

 for online tracking is adopted, we will update this privacy notice and inform you.

Will Your Information Be Shared with Anyone Else?

We shall share your personal information with our service providers by the terms stated in our respective contracts. These service providers are for-profit entities that process information on our behalf while ensuring compliance with the CCP Act’s stringent privacy regulations.

We may employ your personal information for internal business objectives that include technological advancement and research demonstration, which is not to be regarded as the “sale” of your personal information.

In the past 12 months, the Company has not disclosed, sold, or shared any personal information with third parties for business or commercial purposes. We will not permit the selling or sharing of personal information about website visitors, users, or other consumers in the future.


 Your Rights concerning Your Personal Data Right to request deletion of the data — Request to delete You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. We will comply with your request, subject to certain exceptions under the law, such as (but not limited to) when another consumer is exercising their right to free speech, when we are obligated to comply with a legal requirement, or when processing is necessary to prevent illegal activities. Right to be informed — Request to know You have the right to know:

• If we collect and use your personal information,

• The types of personal information we collect,

• The reasons for collecting the personal information,

• Whether we sell or share personal information with third parties,

• The types of personal information that have been sold, shared, or disclosed for business purposes,

• The third parties to whom the personal information was sold, shared, or disclosed for business purposes,

• The purpose of collecting, selling, or sharing personal information,

• The specific personal information we have collected about you. By law, we are not obligated to supply or remove consumer information that has been de-identified in response to a consumer’s request, or to re-identify individual data to confirm a consumer’s request.

 Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights, We will not engage in discrimination if you exercise your privacy rights. You have the right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information, and we do not handle consumers’ sensitive personal information.

Verification Process To confirm your identity when we receive your request, we may need to verify that you are the same person whose information we have on record. This verification process may require us to ask for additional information from you that matches what we already have.

For instance, based on the type of request you submit, we may request specific information to verify or reach out to you using a previously provided communication method, such as phone or email. Other methods of verification may also be employed depending on the situation.

The personal information you provide in your request will only be used to verify your identity and authority. We endeavor to limit requests for further information for verification. Should our existing information be found to be insufficient for verifying your identity, we may require additional information to complete the verification process and to ensure our security and prevent fraudulent activity. Once the verification process is completed, any further information you provide will be immediately removed.

Other privacy rights You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. You have the right to request correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate or outdated, or to request that processing be limited.

You may appoint an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf, but we may reject the request if the authorized agent fails to provide proof of their authorization to act on your behalf.

You may request that your personal information not be sold or shared with third parties in the future. We will respond to your opt- out request within 15 days from the date of receipt.

To assert these rights, contact us via [email protected], visit, or refer to the information

at the bottom of this document. If you have a concern about our data handling, we’d like to hear from you.

Do We Make Updates to This Notice? This Privacy Notice may be periodically revised, with the most recent version indicated by a new “Revised” date. It will take effect immediately upon being released. We may notify you of any significant changes by posting a noticeable notice or sending you a notification. To stay informed of how we protect your information, it is essential to review this Privacy Notice regularly.

How Can You Contact Us About This Notice?

For questions or comments regarding this notice, you may reach us via email at [email protected]

How Can You Review, Update, Or Delete the Data We Collect From You? Depending on the laws of your country, you may possess the right to access, modify, or delete the personal information we have collected from you. To do so, please submit a request via email to [email protected].


Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs how Formed Technologies INT FZCO (“we,” “our,” or “us”) collects, uses, stores, and protects the personal information provided by users (“you” or “your”) on our platform. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your personal information.

Information Collection and Use

We collect the following personal information for the sole purpose of verifying the identity of our traders:

 • ID card picture

• Selfie with ID card

This information is submitted through our third-party partner, Veriff. We do not store this information on our platform. Instead, it is

exclusively stored and processed by Veriff under their privacy policy.

Purpose of Information Usage

The personal information collected through Veriff is used solely for the purpose of verifying the identity of our traders. This helps us maintain a secure and compliant trading environment on our platform.

Information Storage and Protection

We do not store any of the personal information collected during the identity verification process. Instead, all data is securely stored by Veriff. They implement industry-standard security measures to protect the data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Use of Cookies, Log Files, and Tracking

We do not use cookies, log files, or tracking technologies on our platform. Rest assured that your visit to our website remains private and untracked.

Opting Out of Data Collection/Usage

As a user of Formed Technologies INT FZCO, you may only be required to undergo the KYC (Know Your Customer) process if you intend to get funded. If you choose not to proceed with the KYC process, we will fully refund you, and your personal information will not be collected or used for verification.

Third-Party Disclosure

We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your personal information to any third parties, except for our trusted partner, Veriff, for the sole purpose of identity verification.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding your personal information or this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at: Email: [email protected].

License Number: 36850

Address: Dubai Silicon Oasis, DDP, Building A1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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